Standard keys. Pre-cut each string for the proper length and desired amount of winds. Pull the fourth string 3″ (76 mm) past its tuning post and cut it (make sure to pull each string taut). Insert through the eyelet in the tuning key, allowing approximately 1/16″ (1.6 mm) of the end to extend through the eyelet, then wind neatly in a downward pattern, being carefull to prevent overlapping. Pull the third string 3 1//2″ (89 mm) past its tuning post, cut it, and repeat the winding procedure. Pull the second and first strings 3 1/2″ (89 mm) past their tuning posts and cut and wind as noted. For five-string basses, cut the fifth string 3″ (76 mm) past its tuning post and repeat the same cutting and winding procedure.